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February 5, 2025

From Chris Lassiter


The SAW Housing Stability Group consists of two subgroups: one focused on resources and the other on education.

THE RESOURCE GROUP has compiled a current list of resources to help individuals navigate available support systems. This list is available on the Augusta County Library website here:

The group's current goal is to raise awareness of its existence. Additionally, the subgroup is shifting its focus to developing an internal tradesmen guide and working on an eviction guide.

THE EDUCATION GROUP has developed a plan to address five common myths about homelessness:

  1. “People experiencing homelessness don’t work.” → The Myth That Homeless People Don’t Have Jobs

  2. “Homelessness could never happen to me.” → Why Anyone Can End Up Homeless

  3. “People with substance use or mental health issues choose this life.” → No One Chooses to Be Homeless

  4. “I did it on my own. Why can’t you?” → Success Isn’t Just About Hard Work

  5. “Homelessness doesn’t happen here.” → Think Homelessness Isn’t a Local Issue? Think Again.

We will address (AND BUST) these myths in our next blog!


This initiative is brought to you by the SAW Housing Leadership Committee.

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"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."."

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